Monday, August 9, 2010

Comics... the other other dork thing

I like comics and that style of artwork. I always have since I was little and it just appealed to me. Probably because the idea of being able to do super things sounded cool, or that being such a badass that no one in their right mind would call you a sissy for wearing spandex... personally, I'd do without the spandex, but to each his own.

About a year ago I though of an idea for a story, and since I draw everything anyways, I figured why not make it a comic book. So I started drawing pictures last December and then dropped it... fast forward to last week when I couldn't sleep. I thought about the comic book again and started writing a script, and an outline, character information, storyboarding, the works. I'm going to get this done dammit, even if it never sells, no one ever reads it, has any interest, or cares about it except me. So HA! Take that brain! You thought of something and now I'm going to do it so you'll be quiet! MWAHAHA!
*Ahem* I did manage (somewhere throughout my inner dialogue) to get done with an ink drawing of the bad guy in the comic... don't laugh, it's cliche to the max power all right, but it's mine and I like it. This guy is also up on my dA site too. I know it looks lame right now but once I add color it should be just groovy...

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